Cruising McMinnville
Please read and get familiar with the cruise route and map before participating in the cruise.
All vehicles in the cruise must be insured and properly registered, and be driven by a licensed driver.
​NO EXCESSIVE REVVING OR POPPING, no spinning of tires. This event is very congested and this increases the risk of accidents and injuries.
This is a family event, be aware of language. Do not use language or play music with offensive language that spectators or other cruise participants can hear.
Please observe and follow all traffic laws.
Pedestrians have the right of way. Be watchful for pedestrians at all intersections and crosswalks.
Leave a safe distance between you and the car ahead of you.
Maintain a speed that is consistent with the other vehicles.
Stop for active traffic signals, pedestrians crossing the street, or the vehicle in front of you. Follow direction of staff and volunteers directing traffic.
Use your headlights. When the sun goes down turn on your headlights like normal driving conditions.
In case of emergency, proceed forward to the nearest side street and exit to the right.